Combined graph in ASP.NET with OWC
It took me a while to find out how to get a hang of making graphs in ASP combined with OWC. There aren't many places on the internet that show, or have a good guide. I was having troubles with creating a combined OWC graph in ASP and I finally worked it out. I thought I would share. I've left some of the different methods and properties in there, mostly the styling ones to give a better idea on how to style your graph to suit you. The DataTable bit is in there also. If you want to test it straight out you can replace that with an array of your choosing.
const int XAxis = 0;
const int YAxis = 1;
DataTable dt = this.DataSource;
ChAxis axis = null;
ChAxis axis2 = null;
ChSeries seriesValue = null;
ChSeries seriesMoreValue = null;
ChSeries seriesY2 = null;
ChartSpace = this.GetBaseChartSpace();
ChChart chart = ChartSpace.Charts[0];
#region Grab the data from the database and put it in a couple of arrays
List<object> listValues = new List<object>();
List<object> listMoreValues = new List<object();
List<object> dateList = new List<object>();
List<object> listY2Values = new List<object>();
foreach( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
object [] dateArray = dateList.ToArray();
object [] valueArray = listValues.ToArray();
object [] moreValueArray = listMoreValues.ToArray();
object [] y2Array = listY2Values.ToArray();
#region Series data
seriesValue = chart.SeriesCollection.Add(0);
seriesValue.Caption = "Value Array";
seriesValue.SetData( ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimCategories,
Convert.ToInt32(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), dateArray);
seriesValue.SetData( ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues,
Convert.ToInt32(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), valueArray);
seriesValue.Interior.Color = "#FF9E00";
seriesMoreValue = chart.SeriesCollection.Add(1);
seriesMoreValue.Caption = "More Value Array";
seriesMoreValue.SetData( ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues,
seriesMoreValue.Interior.Color = "#F7D708";
#region Chart settings
chart.Type = ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeColumnClustered;
chart.Interior.Color = "whitesmoke";
chart.PlotArea.Interior.Color = "white";
chart.Title.Caption = "The chart header";
chart.HasLegend = true;
chart.Legend.Position = ChartLegendPositionEnum.chLegendPositionBottom;
#region value axis (Y Axis)
chart.Axes[YAxis].Scaling.Minimum = 0;
chart.Axes[YAxis].HasTitle = true;
chart.Axes[YAxis].Title.Caption = "This is the Y-axis";
chart.Axes[YAxis].HasMajorGridlines = true;
chart.Axes[YAxis].HasMinorGridlines = true;
chart.Axes[YAxis].MajorGridlines.Line.Color = "lightgrey";
chart.Axes[YAxis].MinorGridlines.Line.Color = "#EEEEEE";
chart.Axes[YAxis].HasTickLabels = true;
#region date axis (X Axis)
chart.Axes[XAxis].HasMajorGridlines = true;
chart.Axes[XAxis].MajorGridlines.Line.Color = "lightgrey";
chart.Axes[XAxis].HasMinorGridlines = false;
chart.Axes[XAxis].HasTitle = true;
chart.Axes[XAxis].Title.Caption = "Date";
#region value axis (Y2 Axis)
seriesY2 = chart.SeriesCollection.Add(0);
seriesY2.Type = ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeLine;
seriesY2.SetData( ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues,
Convert.ToInt32(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), y2Array );
seriesY2.Caption = "This is the Y2-axis";
seriesY2.Line.Color = "#CE0000";
axis2 =
axis2.Scaling.Minimum = 0;
axis2.HasMajorGridlines = false;
axis2.Position = ChartAxisPositionEnum.chAxisPositionRight;
axis2.HasTitle = true;
axis2.Title.Caption = "Y2 caption";
See https://gist.github.com/spyn/83aebdb9b8ffb8e6a682
Some related links: MSDN Office Web Components Constants http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa204179%28office.11%29.aspx
There are probarly some other, better, controls out there.