Rad internet tools
Here’s a few things I’ve found useful on the internet this week;
Audio Tool – Create music with your web browser.
Javascript Piano – A piano written in JavaScript. (via @ZenPsycho)
Leaflet - Create JavaScript maps similar to Google Maps – without having to worry about purchasing a license.
Data Visualisation Tools – A collection of web based tools you can put together some awesome data visualisations.
Stamen – Water colour style maps using OpenStreetMap.
OpenSignalMaps – Find the best mobile network in your area.
Alltop Infographics – A collection of links related to infographics.
Easel.ly - Create infographics online easily.
Venngage - Create custom infographics online, engage your views and track your results.
Infogram - Create interactive infographics.
SchemaVerse - The Schemaverse is a space-based strategy game implemented entirely within a PostgreSQL database.
HADOOP – Open source, scalable, distributed computing.
Mechanical Turk - Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, crowd sourcing.
Microworkers – Crowd sourcing little things, such as tweets, facebook likes and other marketing related things.
15 Useful Web Apps for Designers - A bunch of cool web apps for designers or designer at mind.
40 High Quality Free XHTML/CSS Web Template for Developers - Some free high quality templates.
101 Apps for Your Web App Startup Toolbox – Just as the title suggests, there’s quite a few of them.
Free Vectors - A whole bunch of free to use vectors presented in thumbnails.
Handwriting Fonts – Hand writing fonts for kids to trace over.
- 15 Rad Robot Accessories – Kick ass robot desktoys and the like.
- This Is Why I Am Broke – Pretty much.
- ifttt – Put the internet to work for you.
- Bulk Rename Utility – A pretty good bulk renaming utility, if you excuse the terrible clutter.
- Cookoo Watch – Watch for geeks who want to keep it subtle.
- Whiskey Media – An API for Comics and Games.
- Procatinator – CATS AND MUSIC!
- 20 Examples of Stereographics that Grab the Attention
- Iconspedia-A collection of free icons.
- navigator.connection – Optimizing based on connection speed: using navigator.connection on Android 2.2+ (Via @m4rkmc)
- Automated Testing of ASP.NET MVC Applications – Via @uluhonolulu
2012-06-03 Here’s this weeks round up!
- 30 of the best vector and illustrations, free – More free vector art for the masses!
- Pachelbel Rant – I knew Basketcase by Greenday sounded familiar.
- On{x} – JavaScript script your Android device.
- SCVNGR-Secret Game Mechanics Playbook. Interesting look into how Zynga develops their games and other developers.